The company opened its doors to the public in 2002, after the realization of its founders, JD and Shelly Sun, that there is a need for quality care for every family, children and adults alike. BrightStar only gives its clients the best kind of care, medical or non-medical, offering “more dependability, more peace of mind, more joy – to make life easier and allow families to live it to the very fullest.”
From BrightStar Care Photos |
From BrightStar Care Photos |
Among BrightStar’s services is Lifecare, an area in which the company’s highly trained care providers focus on caring for the elderly.
BrightStar recognizes the difficulties encountered by a family in providing quality care for an older loved one due to lack of time or the existence of other priorities. BrightStar aims to answer this need by providing different services for the elderly including:
Companion Care - Elders whose loved ones live miles away are given care service, from peer-level companionship up to assisting in letter-writing.
Personal Care - BrightStar offers assistance in terms of maintaining an elderly person’s hygiene and helping in other personal issues. Some of the services included in Personal Care are ambulation, bath visits, dressing and grooming, feeding, personal safety home evaluation, and sharing expertise in memory loss, confusion, and forgetfulness.
Home Support - BrightStar lends a helping hand in doing simple tasks and chores that elders can longer do on their own such as light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation and cooking, and feeding and caring for pets.
Outside Support - At times when an elder has to go out, for example, to visit the hospital, BrightStar has a specific service dedicated in giving transportation assistance and guidance.
Skilled Care - Also known as clinical care, this service offers help in conducting simple medical tests at home such as blood sugar testing, blood draws, and injections.
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For more information on BrightStar’s services, visit